Frequently asked questions...

Q: Can I place an order via the telephone?

A: Unfortunately not, as we have no facility to accept payment over the phone.

Q: Can I amend or add to my online order after I've placed it?

A: Once an order is received, it is sent directly to our warehouse for processing. As a result, we are unable to make any amendments to an order. This includes the delivery method, delivery address or payment method. You are of course welcome to cancel an order if there is an error.

Q: My order hasn't arrived, what should I do?

A: Your confirmation email will contain an estimated delivery date. If this date has elapsed, please contact our team.

Q: I've forgotten my password, what should I do?

A: When logging in, there will be a 'forgotten your password' link. Please click this and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Q: Can I visit the PRIMA Leisure shop to view items before buying?

A: PRIMA Leisure is now an online-only store. The shop is now permanently closed.

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